| Knife When striking opponents from behind,
the Knife can prove a formidable
Tek Bow This bow is not very useful unless
equipped with Tek Arrows.
| Pistol A very useful weapon. The Pistol still
works good against enemies later in the
Assault Rifle A extremely useful weapon. This weapon
uses Ammo clips like the pistol, but fires in
3-round bursts.
| Shotgun One of the best weapons, the Shotgun
can deck just about any enemy. If you
find explosive shells, this weapon is
Automatic Shotgun A Shotgun with no reload time. What
more could you ask for? This weapon is
good against most bosses with explosive
| Grenade Launcher Your first explosive weapon, the
Grenade Launcher can mow down
groups of enemies easily. With a small
blast radius, you must back up when
firing this weapon.
Pulse Rifle Don't underestimate this weapon. The
Pulse Rifle fires high energy plasma bolts.
These bolts hurt greatly. Great against
bosses and a great long-range sniper
| Mini Gun My personal favorite, the Mini Gun is
one of the best weapons you will find. It
hurts like one pistol shot from each
bullet. It carries 500 rounds, and
reloads by the box.
Alien Weapon Another energy cell user, the Alien
Weapon is one of the strategic weapons in
the game. On the initial blast of the
weapon, it does minimal damage. About 2
seconds later, a huge explosion occurs.
| Quad Rocket Launcher Fires four rockets which swerve in
different directions. This weapon only
carries 20 rockets, so make sure to
pick up all rockets on your way.
Particle Accelerator Once again an energy cell user, this
weapon basically freezes your enemies.
Seconds later they blow up. Holding
down the fire button charges it making it's
impact radius bigger.
| Fusion Cannon 
