Level Eight: The Final Confrontation

Description: A futuristic fortress. The whole level is one big maze.

Mini Boss: T-Rex

Final Boss: The Campaigner

Weapons: Chronoscepter (received after defeating T-Rex)

Other: Warps (2), Health (19), Spiritual Invincibility (1), Back Pack (2), Tek Armor (3). ----

Level Eight: Chronoscepter Piece #8

Level Eight is so large that is has been broken down into sections. Find a reference point and get directions from there. ---- From Start to first Save Point. 1. From Start, follow the left wall and enter the cave. Take the first left, then go forward and take the first right.

2. Follow the path the only way you can go to a ladder. Climb up.

3. Walk down the hall, around the corner and take the next right.

4. Continue to the large room with a bunch of robots.

5. Pass through the Checkpoint to flip an invisible switch.

6. Go through the passageway marked "Sector Two."

7. Follow the right wall into the room with the four pillars of water.

8. Exit this room to the right and continue to the next large room.

9. Go through the path marked "Lift Access Two" and take the elevator.

10. Step off the elevator and follow the corridor to the transporter. Step into it.

11. Walk straight ahead through the series of doors to locate the first Save Point. ----

Next Step: Find the second Save Point

1. Face the first Save Point. Turn around and go down the elevator.

2. Go around the corner and enter the room with the Purlin and lava.

3. Defeat the Purlin then jump over to the other side and hit the switch.

4. Quickly go back to the cave, take the first left and go through the door.

5. Drop down the hole that opens in the floor, then continue to the Checkpoint.

6. Pass through the Checkpoint and follow the right wall to a corridor.

7. Go through the corridor to large room. Do not fall in the holes! You will die and have to start back at the checkpoint.

8. In the large room, defeat the two Purlin, then jump across to the other side.

9. Continue through the corridor to the transporter. Take the transporter to the next section.

10. Walk forward to the intersection, and go right. Take the next right, and ride the elevator down.

11. Go around the corner, turn left, then continue on to the second Save Point. ----

Next Step: Third Save

1. Go down the ramp in the room with the second Save Point and take the stairs.

2. Follow the only path you can take until you reach the room with water.

3. Go through the left corridor. When you come to the open room, fall off the platform to the left.

4. Step into the transporter. When you reappear, pass through the Checkpoint.

5. Dodging the lasers, continue down the hallway and drop into the hole that opens in the floor.

6. Follow the path to the levitator. Step into it and use the R Button to float up.

7. Walk forward into the large room. Turn left, then float from levitator to levitator to the third Save Point. ----

Next Step: T-Rex and Chronoscepter Piece

1. Face the third Save Point, turn left and enter the levitator. Float up, then follow the path to the room with the robot.

2. Go forward and follow the right wall to the dark pillar maze.

3. Continue to follow the right wall and take the first corridor you come to.

4. Dodge the lasers, then go forward into the levitator.

5. Float up to the very top. Go through the passage and pass the Checkpoint.

6. Go straight ahead into the next room. Follow the left wall to the next corridor.

7. Pass through the corridor to another levitator. Float up to the passage at the top.

8. Go forward and pass through the Checkpoint. Continue across the bridge.

9. In the next room, go straight ahead and take the elevator lift up.

e10. Go down the corridor and enter the transport. This leads to the boss T-Rex!

11. Defeat T-Rex to obtain the final piece of the Chronoscepter. ----

Next Step: Final Save and Final Boss

1. After defeating T-Rex, you will automatically appear in the room with the final Chronoscepter Piece.

2. Save your game at the last Save Point, then go down the long corridor and collect weapons and ammunition.

3. When you get to the next room, continue straight ahead and step into the transporter. This will take you to the final boss.

4. Defeat The Campaigner to win the game. ----

Common Questions / Trouble Spots: Level 8

1. How do I get past the lasers? Move forward, then quickly move back. After the lasers disappear, run forward again.

2. I'm inside the maze and I can't make the jumps. How do I get across the platforms? The key to making jumps is to jump at the last possible second. Use your map to help you out.