Level Five: The Catacombs

Description: An ancient underground city with lots of little crawl spaces.

Boss: Giant Insect

Weapons: Particle Accelerator

Other: Warps (2), Health (21), Spiritual Invincibility (2), Back Pack (2), Tek Armor (5). ----

Level Five: Chronoscepter Piece #5

Basic Directions: Crawl through the holes to the very bottom of the ruins. When you exit, walk down to the end of the hallway to locate the piece of the scepter.

Detailed Directions:

1. From the Start, go down the stairs to the two switches. Turn left, then take the first right. Go forward to the switch and step on it.

2. Enter the room, swim through the brown water, then turn right. Crawl through the hole in the wall to the next room. Step on the switch and go through the newly opened path.

3. Face left, then go straight ahead. Enter the hole in the wall and crawl through the passage, to the next room.

4. Defeat the High Priest, then walk to the end of the hall to locate the Chronoscepter Piece. ----

Level Five: Third Level Six Key

Basic Directions: Hit all three switches in the Main Switch Room. Jump up the pillars and exit out of the building. Swim to the structure in the center of the water and climb up it. The key is at the top.

Detailed Directions:

1. After hitting all three switches in the Main Switch Room, jump up the six pillars to the top. Pass through the Checkpoint and follow the path, step on a switch and enter the cave.

2. Work your way through the cave to a large open room. Exit this room in the top-left and it will take you to the second Save Point.

3. Take the teleporter in the room with the second Save Point. When you reappear, go down the hill and pass through a Checkpoint. Go up the stairs and jump into the water.

4. Swim to the structure in the center of the lake and look for bricks sticking out of the wall. Climb up these bricks to locate the third Level Six Key. ----

Level Five: Main Switch Room

The Main Switch Room is a room with three switches and six pillars. All of the switches must be hit, in order to make the pillars rise. Once the pillars are up, you will be able to continue through the level. ----

Main Switch Room and Switch Number One

1. From the Start, go down the stairs to the two switches. Turn left, go forward, then take the first right. Continue forward to the switch and step on it.

2. Enter the room, swim through the brown water, then turn right. Crawl through the hole in the wall to the next room. Step on the switch and go through the newly opened path.

3. Follow the left wall to the next room. Climb the stairs to the upper level, then turn left.

4. Stay on the upper path and follow it until you come to a door. Enter the door and climb up the wall to locate the first Save Point. Save your game.

5. Turn around and jump into the teleporter. When you reappear you will be in the Main Switch Room. Go down the stairs and step on switch number one. This will make the two pillars in the back of the room rise.

Next Step: Hit Switch Number Two ----

Switch Number Two

If you are facing the pillars, this is the switch on the left.

1. From the beginning of the Main Switch Room, face the pillars, then turn left. Step on the switch to open the door, then step on another switch. This switch will open two doors. Go through the door straight in front of you.

2. Go down the stairs and follow the path to the intersection. There will be a statue holding a heath piece here. Turn right, continue to the next intersection and turn left.

3. Stay on this path until you come to a switch. Step on the switch, go up the stairs, step on another switch, turn Right and re-enter the Main Switch Room. Hit switch number two to make the two center pillars rise.

Next Step: Hit Switch Number Three ----

Switch Number Three

If you are facing the pillars, this is the switch on the right.

1. From the beginning of the Main Switch Room, face the pillars, then turn left. Step on the switch to open the door, then step on another switch. This switch will open two doors. Go through the door on your left.

2. Go down the stairs to a switch and hit it. Climb up the stairs, turn right and go down another set of stairs. Follow the left wall to a room with four switches. Exit out the top of this room and stay on the path.

3. When you reach the Purlin that breaks out of the wall, defeat it, then go through the opening. Walk forward, turn left, then continue to the intersection. Turn left at the intersection and hit the switch.

4. Climb up the stairs, hit another switch, then go through the left door to locate switch number three. Hit the switch to make the final two pillars rise. ----

Level Five: Particle Accelerator

1. From the beginning of the Main Switch Room, face left and go through the door. Face left again and go through another door. Go down the stairs to a switch and hit it.

2. Climb up the stairs, turn right and go down another set of stairs. Follow the left wall to a room with four switches. Exit out the top of this room and stay on the path until you reach end.

3. Jump down to the platform, hit the switch, then jump into the water. Swim down through the underwater maze to locate the Particle Accelerator. ----

Level Five: Second Level Eight Key

Basic Directions: From start, walk through either of the two doors, then climb the stairs. Go through the two rooms with the log bridges and swinging axes. Defeat the High Priest, then grab the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. From the Start, go down the stairs to the two switches. Step on either switch enter the room and defeat the High Priest.

2. Climb the stairs, go straight ahead and follow the path. You will pass through a Checkpoint.

3. Carefully cross the log bridges in both rooms and continue to follow the path to a room with a High Priest. Defeat the High Priest, then pick up the second Level Eight Key in the center of the room. ----

Level Five: Third Level Eight Key

Basic Directions: Go to the end of the level to the boss. Defeat the Giant Insect to obtain the key.

Detailed Directions: 1. From the third Level Six Key, jump down to the switch and drain the water. Go through the passage that opens.

2. Walk down the stairs, then crawl through the hole in the wall, to a room with water.

3. Swim down to the bottom and go through the underwater passage. Be careful of the spikes! After you exit the water, go forward to the third Save Point.

4. Save your game! Step through the portal and defeat the Giant Insect for the third Level Eight Key. ----

Common Questions / Trouble Spots: Level 5

1. I'm in a room with four switches. What do they open? A secret passage at the top of this room. It leads to a secret area with an Ultra Health.

2. In a cave near the end of the level there are some rocks I can walk through. Is there anything there? No. It's just a dead end.

3. How do I drain the water near the end of the level? Climb to the top of the structure in the middle of the water, then face South and jump off to the switch.