Level Four: The Ruins

Description: The ruins of an Ancient City. You encounter some of tough enemies in this level.

Weapons: Grenade Launcher Mini Gun

Other: Warps (3), Health (19), Spiritual Invincibility (1), Back Pack (1), Tek Armor (3). ----

Level Four: Chronoscepter Piece #4

Basic Directions: From the area with a nine teleporters, take the third teleporter on the left. Work your way through the ruins and jump to the top of the structure with all of the waterfalls to find the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. From the second Save Point, carefully go through the area with the statues blowing fire. You will come to a room with four switches.

2. Walk through this room and you will come to a room with a teleporter. Step into it. When you reappear, go forward into the room with waterfalls.

3. Turn right and go up the ramp. Once you are at the top of the ramp, make a running long jump over to the top of the platform.

4. Walk to the center of the floor and step on the pillar. It will take you up to the Chronoscepter Piece above you. To the Exit!

Note: There are some tough enemies that will attack you as soon as you pick up the piece. It is best not to fight them. ----

First Save Point: Level Four

1. From Start go forward and cross the bridge. Follow the right wall and pass through the Checkpoint. Defeat the High Priest, then jump on top of the fire pillars to get to a switch.

2. Go through the newly opened path and go straight ahead to an area with a bunch of destroyed buildings. Climb to the top of the pyramid to get to the first Save Point. ----

Second Save Point: Level Four

1. From the first Save Point, go down the stairs, turn right and walk forward. Defeat the High Priest on the top of the pillar and go through the path behind him.

2. Pass through the Checkpoint to an area with a nine teleporters. Take the third teleporter on the left. You will appear inside some ruins.

3. Drop down into the area with the tall pillars and go to the top-right corner. Follow the path to the second Save Point. ----

Level Four: First Level Six Key

Basic Directions: Go to the maze of fences. Work your way through the maze to the top right. Enter the ruins here and follow the path to the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. From Start go forward and cross the bridge. Follow the right wall and pass through the Checkpoint. Defeat the High Priest, then jump on top of the fire pillars to get to a switch.

2. Go through the newly opened path and take the first right. Defeat the Purlin, then step through the teleporter that he was guarding.

3. When you reappear, work your way through the maze to the cave in top-right corner. Enter the underground ruins here. Walk through the ruins to the intersection and continue forward.

4. Follow the path and you will see a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint and continue to the Purlin. Defeat it to open the wall in front of you.

5. Walk straight ahead and go up either staircase. Enter the room with the swinging rocks to locate the first Level Six Key. ----

Level Four: Second Level Six Key

Basic Directions: Go to the area with a bunch of enemy statues. Defeat the statues, then step into the teleporter. When you reappear climb the stairs to get to the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. From the Start, go forward across the bridge into the next area. Continue forward until you hit a wall. Turn right, then follow the wall to the edge of the path and turn left.

2. Stay on the path until you come to and area with a bunch of enemy statues. Defeat the statues when they come to life, then step into the teleporter at the end of the hall.

3. When you reappear, climb the stairs, then follow the path Defeat the three High Priests to lower the walls and pick up the second Level Six Key. ----

Level Four: First Level Eight Key

Basic Directions: Jump into the water near start. Swim left and dive down into the underwater cave. Follow the path through the next area and you will find the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. From Start, go forward and jump into the water. Follow the left wall until you come to deep water, then dive down. Swim through the underwater cave and take the teleporter.

2. When you reappear, turn left. Jump across the ravine, climb the ladders and pass through the Checkpoint. Carefully jump from platform to platform until you reach a teleporter.

3. Take the teleporter, then follow the left wall to locate the first Level Eight Key. ----

Common Questions / Trouble Spots: Level 4

1. I'm see something in a grate below me. How do I get it? This is the fourth piece of the Chronoscepter. Link here for directions.

2. How do I get to the Grenade Launcher on top of the tall pillar?

Go to the top of the pyramid and jump off to the right. You will land on an invisible path. Work your way across the path to get the Grenade Launcher.

3. What does the bright-yellow sunlight mean? This indicates there is a secret passage in the wall at that point.

4. I picked up the Chronoscepter Piece. How did I find the exit to the level? Directions to the Exit. ----

Level Four: Directions to the Exit

1. Go back through the teleporter that brought you into the area. Walk into the room with the four pillars.

2. Hit the four switches to make the pillars rise. Quickly jump from pillar to pillar to the top. Enter the water and swim to the top.

3. Jump out of the water to the ledge and enter the pillar maze. Jump to the top-right of the area and enter the teleport.

4. When you reappear, follow the path to the exit portal. ----

Level Four: Grenade Launcher

1. From Start, go forward and jump into the water. Follow the left wall until you come to deep water, then dive down. Swim through the underwater cave and take the teleporter.

2. When you reappear, jump across the ravine, climb the ladders and pass through the Checkpoint. Carefully jump from platform to platform until you reach some vines.

3. Climb the vines, then follow the path until you see a tree, an energy cell, and some pieces of lifeforce. Face the tree and make a running jump to the small platform across the ravine to locate the weapon.

Note: This is a pretty difficult jump to make and may take a couple of tries. ----

Level Four: Mini Gun

1. From the first Save Point, go down the stairs, turn right and walk forward. Defeat the High Priest on the top of the pillar and go through the path behind him.

2. You will come to an area with a bunch of teleporters. Jump on the little piece of building on the left, then jump up to the cliff. Take the teleporter here to locate the Mini Gun.