Level Three: The Ancient City

Description: A large ancient city with lots of buildings and pyramids.

Mini Boss: Armored Cars

Main Boss: Mercenary

Weapons: Pulse Rifle (found with the third Level Five Key)

Other: Warps (3), Health (21), Spiritual Invincibility (2), Back Pack (3), Tek Armor (5). ----

Level Three: Chronoscepter Piece #3

Basic Directions: Go to the end of the level to area with all of the pillars. Jump down to the bottom-left side of the temple and look left. Jump to the vines and climb up to find the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. Face the second Save Point. Turn right to the area will a bunch of platforms. Carefully jump from platform to platform until you have an option to go right, left or straight ahead. Go left.

2. Continue jumping from platform to platform down the left side of this area. When you reach the bottom, look left. You should see some vines.

3. Make a running jump to the vines, then climb then up to the top of the cliff. Walk forward to locate the third Chronoscepter Piece. ----

Second Save Point: Level Three (7 steps, scroll down)

1. Start from where you found the second Level Five Key. Walk straight ahead, climb the stairs and enter the big pyramid. Go down the stairs in the pyramid and defeat the two Purlin.

2. Continue going down the stairs and you will come to a big open room with beetles. Jump to the center of this room. You will find a teleporter here.

3. Step into the teleporter and you will appear on top of a pillar. After the pillar lowers, go forward and step into another teleporter.

4. Follow the path to a small building with a switch in it. You will pass a wall of logs on your way. Step on the switch to lower the logs, then quickly run through the passage.

5. Take the teleporter you find here, then pass through the Checkpoint. Go forward and walk up the stairs to the top of the pyramid.

6. Jump into the water and swim to the other side. Go up the hill, hit the switches and jump from platform to platform.

7. Continue to follow the path and you will find the second Save Point. ----

Level Three: Third Level Four Key

Basic Directions: From the top of the pyramid with the first Save point, jump left. Follow the path to the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. Step into the teleporter in the room with the first Save Point. You will appear on top of the pyramid.

2. Face West and you should see a small building. Jump over to this building, then follow the path to locate the third Level Four Key. ----

First Save Point: Level Three

1. From the Start, go straight North to a large building and walk up either of the two staircases.

2. Go to the center of the area and jump into the pool. Swim to the other side, then climb up the long staircase. Follow the path left and cross over the thin log bridge.

3. Go up the staircase to a Checkpoint and pass through it. Stay on the stone path and go up the next staircase. There should be a small pyramid in front of you.

4. Continue straight ahead and you will come to a huge pyramid. Enter this pyramid to get to the first Save Point. ----

Level Three: Second Level Five Key

Basic Directions: Open up the secret staircase in the third section. Go down the stairs and follow the path to a teleport. Enter the teleport, then walk forward to the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. Go through the passage behind the pyramid that has the first Save Point in it. Climb all of the staircases until you see a building with a switch on the floor.

2. Walk through the building and climb up the tallest palm tree on the left. Jump from the top of the tree over to a floor switch. Step on the switch, and a staircase will open up behind you.

3. Go down the stairs and pass through the Checkpoint. Walk up the stairs in front of you and take the teleporter. When you reappear continue forward to locate the second Level Five Key. ----

Level Three: Third Level Five Key

Basic Directions: Go to the end of the level to the arena with the bosses. Defeat the bosses to obtain the key.

Detailed Directions:

1. Face the second Save Point. Turn right to the area with a bunch of platforms. Carefully jump from platform to platform until you have an option to go right, left or straight ahead. Go straight ahead.

2. Continue jumping from platform to platform until you get to a big pyramid. Climb the stairs to the top and step into the portal. This will take you to the area with the bosses.

3. Defeat the main bosses to obtain the third Level Five Key and the Pulse Rifle. ----

Common Questions / Trouble Spots: Level 3 (3 questions)

1. How do I get inside the closed doors all throughout the ruins? You can't.

2. I'm on a pyramid. I see a room with a Purlin, a switch and an ultra health. How do I get in it? Step on the switch that makes stairs drop down. Go down the stairs and enter the right room. Search along the walls for a secret passage.

3. In the building near the palm trees there is a switch. What does it open? As far as we know the switch doesn't do anything.