Level One: The Hub Ruins
Description: A jungle area with lots of trees and ruins. All levels can be accessed from the hub, which is at the end of this level. ---- Weapons: Semi-Automatic Pistol Auto Shotgun Shotgun Assault Rifle ---- Other: Warps (3), Health (19), Spiritual Invincibility (1), Back Pack (1), Tek Armor (2). ----
Description: Two monoliths that are side by side.
Purpose: When you pass through a Checkpoint the game will save. If you die, you can continue from that Checkpoint, rather than starting back at the beginning.
Note: Checkpoints do not save the game to the Control Pak. You must use a Save Point. ----
Save Point
Description: A single monolith with a platform.
Purpose: Allows you to save your game to the Controller Pak, so that you can turn the game off and continue another time. ----
Semi-automatic Pistol
1. The first pistol you encounter is right at the beginning of the level. You can see it if you look around right at the start, sitting in a cave. Go forward until you hit the wooden bridge, and go off of the left side.
2. Swim underwater until you reach the cave enterance, and follow it to the end. You'll come out somewhat above ground, right where the pistol is.
3. If you go back to the bridge and dive off the right side, and follow the river into the wall, you'll find three clips or so to fuel this newfound weapon of yours. ----
Automatic Shotgun
1. This one's just past the Second Level 2 Key. Continue along until you find a guy immediately to your left, who'll be shooting you with a pistol as you contemplate his very existance. Kill him. You'll notice that he's standing in a half-circle of wall, much like the one you went up to get the Second Level 2 Key.
2. Though this wall isn't marked as such, it's a climb wall - in one spot. This spot is the left corner of the half-circle of wall. Just press forward into the corner, and up you go.
Warning: Things are not as simple as they seem. There's a sergeant awaiting at the top of the climb wall, so be ready to drop a rather large enemy, with nothing but a pistol or so to your name. The easiest way to do it is to hide behind the wall, strafe out, blast two times or so, and strafe back before his pulse rifle eats you for lunch. ----
1. After the Second Level 2 Key, continue through the area until you come into this area: You'll be standing on a platform, to your immediate left (or right depending) will be a corridor, leading to a teleporter. To your other side (whichever isn't covered by the above) will be a ladder, leading to the top of a thin wall.
2. Walking onto the ladder and on top of this thin wall nets you shotgun shells. Running off the end of the ladder, and jumping at the end, will score you the all important shotgun. ----
Assault Rifle
1. This is in the corridor with the First Level 3 Key is located. You'll be in a cross-shaped room; left is a teleport, right, the key, ahead, some leapers coming out of a small body of water.
2. Swim down through the water, and at the far end of this tiny river, at the bottom of the water, is the assault rifle.
Warning: This small river is infested with leapers. They'll respawn, they'll hit you under water, and so forth. If you can, swim past them; it makes life a whole lot easier. You can also try to nail them by swimming to the surface and blasting away with the assault rifle, but I don't really advise this. It's a waste of ammunition. ----
First Level Two Key
1. Go forward from the start. Head across the bridge and follow the life forces up the climb wall.
2. This one's simple. Keep going straight until you hit the key. The only opposition will be one puny guy. ----
Second Level Two Key
1. Turn left of the First Level 2 Key, and stomp on the switch. It'll drop the gate.
2. The gate drops, kill Bambi (the deer) for health, and follow the pathway. You'll come to an area with a half-circle of climbable wall, guarded by a generic campaigner solider. (Also known as "cannon fodder" around here.)
3. Climb up and walk to the key - you'll have to cut through another guy, but with all the ammo you've got already, it should be a cakewalk. ----
First Save Point
1. From the second Level Two Key, drop down off of the platform. Go left and follow the path through a Checkpoint.
2. Stay along the left wall until you come to some wooden archways. Go through the archways and take the teleporter.
3. Go forward and jump from platform to platform to find another Checkpoint.
4. Take a running jump to reach the vines on the far wall and climb them. Defeat the Purlin, then use the platforms to jump to the upper level.
5. Continue down the path, climb a vine covered wall, then walk across some logs. At the end of the logs, jump over to the Save Point. ----
Third Level Two Key
1. After reaching the first Save Point, continue across the wooden bridges. (Past the save point - not opposite it.) This will get you to some ammunition and potential health, if you're good at killing. When you've had your daily fill of carnage, come back to the save, and take the wooden platform directly opposite it. Head along the platform to the lava area. Killing the enemies will raise up the platforms.
2. Jump across the platforms and hit the teleporter. Walk into the switch that you're now immediately faced with.
3. The gate falls; go forward and hang a left, where another gate will be falling for you. Follow the path, and climb three ladders.
4. Keep going until you reach the area with the two grenadiers sitting just across a gap, bombarding you. Kill them, and any guys nearby, then jump across the gap to claim the key. Jump back when you're finished playing around - there's work to be done. =) ----
First Level Three Key
1. Head north from the Third Level Two Key, until you find a climb wall. Head up the climb wall and enter the cave at the top.
2. Use your map to get through this leaper infested cave. Hit the teleporter at the end (do be wary of the big leaper..), and continue. Cross the bridge, hit the checkpoint.
3. This area is somewhat less than simple. Follow the log path to a ladder, or alternately use your map to locate it. Climb it and jump from platform to platform to get to the next teleporter, which you should go into.
4. Head straight, and take your first available left. Hit the teleporter. (Is this repetitive yet?) Go straight after the teleporter, and take the first right to get the First Level 3 Key. ----
Chronoscepter Piece #1
1. Start by facing the pedestal where you find the First Level Three key. Turn around, go forward and step on the teleporter. This will put you into the Chronoscepter Area; a spiral-like maze, notable for two things. Those things are: your map will not work there, and there are large grey pillars blocking you all around.
2. There's a real easy trick for this. Stick to the right wall unless you're going to backtrack hideously (if you know there's another route you can take, that's fine), and you'll run across the Chronoscepter piece, and the next key, in turn. ----
Level One: Second Level Three Key
1. From the Chronoscepter piece, hang a right, and follow, you guessed it, the right wall. That'll lead right to the next key, and if you continue to follow it, you'll hit the teleporter. ----
Third Level Three Key
1. After the teleport out of the Chronoscepter area, follow the path, killing as you go, to the end. Take the ladder up at the end and follow the platform around to the next ladder, which you should also take. Keep going until you reach the top.
2. You'll find a dead end, with an altar-like formation of rocks. Looking down, you'll see only mist; don't worry so much and drop off into the endless void. You'll find yourself in a cave - it's not as deep as it had appeared to be.
3. Beetles abound here. Kill them as you make your way to the water, which you shoul cross. You'll come to some pillars - jump across them, following the path they form, until you hit the end - the Third Level Three Key, and the teleporter, will be there. ----
Common Questions / Trouble Spots
1. Can you do anything with the monkeys that climb the trees in the level? Nope. The monkeys are simply there for the effect.
2. Where's the Hub, and is there a save there? After the last teleporter, you'll be in a cave. Blast your way through a fireball-spewing Per-Lin, and advance to the Hub. There is a save point there - perhaps the most useful one in the game - near the gate to Level 4.