Level Two: The Jungle Description: A jungle area similar to level one, only much larger. Weapons: Mini Gun Other: Warps (3), Health (16), Spiritual Invincibility (2), Back Pack (1), Tek Armor (3). ---- Level Two: Chronoscepter Piece #2 Basic Directions: After passing through the area with the two huge statues holding fire, turn left. Just past the buildings, look for a secret ledge off the side of the cliff. Fall down here to find the piece. Detailed Directions: 1. From the first Save Point follow the path to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint and follow the left wall past the two Purlin. 2. Climb up the hill in front of you, continue down the path past two huge statues holding fire. Turn left, then climb the vines on the cliff all the way to the top. 3. Go past the buildings to the very edge of the cliff. If you look at your map you should see a light green outline of a path below you. Fall off the edge of the cliff to that small path. 4. Follow the path to the end, then jump over to the platform with the Chronoscepter Piece. ---- First Save Point: Level 2 1. From the Start of the Level follow the path all the way around and you will come to some wooden bridges. Walk across the bridges until they end. 2. Follow the left wall, past the ruins, to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint into a village. 3. Jump into the lake, swim past the waterfall and get out of the water when you come to the another small village. 4. Walk by the huts and exit the village. Follow the right wall until you come to some ruins. Go through the ruins to locate the first Save Point. ---- Level Two: First Level Four Key Basic Directions: Enter the first village. Jump into the water and swim into the underwater cave beneath the huge tree. When you get out you will find the key. Detailed Directions: 1. From the Start of the level, follow the path all the way around and you will come to some wooden bridges. Walk across the bridges until they end. 2. Follow the left wall past the ruins to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint into a village. 3. Turn left, walk over to the water and jump in. Swim to the underwater cave beneath the huge tree. 4. Work you way through the cave. When you get out, you will see the first Level Four key on a platform. ---- Level Two: Second Level Four Key Basic Directions: From where you see the key across the ravine, turn left. Go forward and fall off the cliff. Enter the cave, then follow the path to the key. Detailed Directions: 1. From the first Save Point, follow the path to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint and follow the left wall past the two Purlin. 2. Climb up the hill in front of you, continue down the path past two huge statues holding fire. Turn right and pass through another Checkpoint. 3. Follow the path along the right edge, until you see the key in a cave entrance across from you. Face North, then walk straight ahead and fall off the cliff. Note: You will not see this section on the map 4. Enter the cave and follow the path to an opening. Jump across the ravine to another opening, then continue to the second Level Four Key. ---- Level Two: First Level Five Key Basic Directions: At the very end of the level where the Shimmering Portal is, go right. Follow the path down the hill and defeat the enemies to get the key. Detailed Directions: 1. From the second Save Point, follow the left wall to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint, then climb the hill and turn right. Follow the path to a Temple. 2. Go around to the back side of the Temple and cross the rope bridge. Defeat the Purlin, then enter the cave. 3. Walk through the cave and exit. After you exit, jump off of the cliff into the water. Swim to a Checkpoint and pass through it. 4. Continue to swim along the right wall until you hit deep water. Dive down and swim through the underwater cave. 5. Exit the cave (using your map), then defeat the Purlin. Go forward and jump up the platforms. Continue straight ahead and fall off the cliff. You will see the exit to the level. Don't take the exit yet! 6. Go around the right side of the exit and walk down the hill to get the key. ---- Second Save point: Level 2 (3 steps) 1. From the first Save Point follow the path to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint and follow the left wall past the two Purlin. 2. Climb up the hill in front of you, continue down the path past two huge statues holding fire. Turn right and pass through another Checkpoint. 3. Follow the path until you see the second Level Four Key in a cave entrance across from you. Face North, continue on to a teleporter, then take it. 4. When you re-appear, turn right, then walk straight ahead to the second Save Point. ---- Level Two: Mini Gun 1. From the second Save Point, follow the left wall to a Checkpoint. Pass through the Checkpoint, then climb the hill and turn right. Follow the path to a Temple. 2. Go around to the back side of the Temple and cross the rope bridge. Defeat the Purlin, then enter the cave. 3. Walk through the cave until you come to the room with the gun. It is located behind a wall you can see through. Blast it open with the Grenade Launcher. ---- Common Questions / Trouble Spots: Level 2 (3 questions) 1. What does the switch inside the building near the Chronoscepter Piece open? This opens a secret passage behind the left side of the building. This leads to a Spiritual Invincibility. 2. On the way to the first Level Five Key you go through a cave. There is a room with the Mini Gun, Tek Armor and three pieces of lifeforce in it. How do you get into this cave? Blast an opening using the Grenade Launcher. 3. I'm in the water near the end of the level and I see a key on a cliff above me. How can I get it? This is the first Level Five Key.