This guide will list all of the enemies that you run across during Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, and will provide you with not only descriptions, but their modes of attack, the best strategies and weapons to take them down with, and more. So, join us in our quest to rule Turok, and put Acclaim's programmers to shame - read on!
---- Format: Name - Enemy's name Description - What it looks like Levels - Where it is found Best Weapons - What to use Strategy - Best pattern to kill Powerups - What they yeild after death Variations - Other variotions of the same enemy. The enemy can be found directly following the entry. ---- Key to abbreviations: +2h small health (+2) +25h 25% health (+25) Explosive Shells shotgun/auto shotgun w/ explosive shells ----
Description: Clad in green vests and brown pants, wear ball caps. They'll carry knives, pistols, or shotguns.
Levels: 1-6
Best Weapons: Pretty much any of them will do.
Strategy: Use the knife if possible, for Poachers are easy to kill, and you may get mortal wound power-ups. For those with guns, hide behind things and sneak up on them. We recommend using only weaker weapons to conserve ammo.
Powerups: +2h, Clip ----
Campaigner's Soldier
Description: Weaker ones use clubs and sometimes shields, and have no shirts. Stronger ones wear body armor, and wield long spear-like weapons, or carry guns. All of them have brown pants. Some of them can also lob Grenades.
Levels: 1-6
Best Weapons: Again, pretty much any will do.
Strategy: The same as the Poacher.
Powerups: +2h, Clip, Grenade, Shells ----
Campaigner's Sergeant
Description: A beafed-up Campaigner's Soldier. Heavier body armor, spiked shoulder 'pads'. Carrys a nasty pulse rifle and isn't exactly easy to put down - Assault Rifles need several 3-shot hits to drop him, shotguns require more than one shot, pistols are outrageous, and don't even think about using the knife. The pulse rifle he carries hits hard enough to make it worth "wasting" ammo to kill him quickly - if you can't use strategy to beat him.
Levels: 1-6
Best Weapons: Explosive shells, Pulse Rifle, Tek Arrows, Assault Rifle, Minigun.
Strategy: Hit fast and hard. Explosive shell will knock them down in one shot, but Assault Rifle and minigun may prevent them from attacking if you act fast. Tek Arrows pack a blow, even if you don't get a direct hit. You will want to avoid getting hit by them. A decent technique to use is to hide behind an object, strafe out to one side, take a shot, and strafe back before they can shoot you. Normally the Sergeants will fire shots in 3-shot repetitions - this isn't always the case, so be careful. Oh, and a warning - Just because you can't see them through an object doesn't mean that you can't be shot through the object. Make sure you're covered before lounging.
Powerups: +2h, Clip, Large Energy Cell ----
Ancient Warrior
Description: Dressed to look like skeletons. Carry Clubs, Pole Arms, or Blow Guns.
Levels: 3-6
Best Weapons: Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Minigun
Strategy: For those that don't have blow guns, use the knife, along with the same strategy as the poachers. You may get a mortal wound powerup. For those with blow guns, hit them fast. Those blow guns can take around 12 or so health per hit! What's worse is that the blowgunners rarely miss their targets - you'll hear the "phft" sound, and see yourself lose 12 health. They can be very hard to see, especially on level 5 - so be careful. Shotguns will drop them after two hits with normal ammo, or one explosive shell - The knife will put them down in two or three hits, the Assault Rifle, in one 3-shot burst.
Powerups: +2h ----
High Priest
Description: Ancient Warriors with a different headdress. Carry Clubs and shoot flames and other nasty things at you. Usually found on a ledge or higher places.
Levels: 4-6
Best Weapons: Minigun, Explosive Shells, Grenade Launcher.
Strategy: Strafe Left and right while using whatever weapon you choose. His flames can sometimes follow you a bit, so give them wide berth if you can. Two grenades will work, but can be hard to aim correctly. Explosive Shells do a much better job. The High Priests sometimes charge up before launching the fireballs - this is the most opportune time to line up your shot and take them down. Just make sure you're not being eaten by a Raptor while you do it.
Powerups: +2h ----
Demon Priest
Description: Looks just like the High Priest, but with a variation in its attacks. These will also shoot flames at you, but can launch a red cloud, as well, and can teleport (they'll surround themselves in red, disappear, and reappear where you aren't looking for the most part).
Levels: 5-7, I believe - This is what guards the 5th level Chronoscepter piece, and the open arena with the level 8 key.
Best Weapons: Minigun, Explosive Shells, Grenade Launcher.
Strategy: Same as with the High Priest - just do it -faster-, and watch out for the teleportation. At the level 8 key in level 5, there are two in that open arena; lots of fun, for the whole family.
Powerups: +2h ----
Description: Come on. We've all seen Jurrasic Park.
Levels: 1-6 (Standard), 7-8 (Variation)
Best Weapons: Explosive Shells.
Strategy: Hit them with one explosive shell, and you've got a dead raptor. If you don't have explosive shells, use a rapid-fire weapon such as the assault rifle or minigun. Tek arrows work well if you aim properly, and normal shells will take one down in about 2 hits if you aim decent. They will circle you to attack, so try not to let them get close, or you'll be spinning around trying to find them.
Variations: The Raptor Mech (A bionically enhanced Raptor)
Description: Like a raptor, but a paler gray color, and they have Plasma Cannons on their right arm, and a bionic left leg. They take more hits than normal raptors.
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells, Grenade Launcher, Quad Rocket Launcher
Strategy: Use the explosive shells while strafing to avoid this mechanical creep. Grenades and rockets hurt it badly, but you should save these for tougher cretins. Raptor Mech's are actually fairly decent shots, and can get plasma off in a rapid-fire fashion, so don't let them get behind you, and don't pass them up considering them to not be a threat. They love to follow. ----
Description: Big huge gorilla-like green behemoth. They move quickly and have a nasty backhand. You really can't miss them. There are different modes of attack; a normal punch, a spinning backhand punch, and a couple others covered in the variations.
Levels: All
Best Weapon: Tek Arrows (Work on all variations.)
Strategy: Use tek arrows from a distance. They have a wicked backhand, and because they are often placed near cliffs, can knock you off. 3 tek arrows work well. Explosive shells work too, but its best to save them for other enemies, and hey, you never use tek arrows anyway, you might as well now. *Beware! Per-lins in some areas of the Campaigner's Fortress seem to take more damage before they are killed.
Variations: Earthquake Per-lin, Fire Ball Per-Lin
Earthquake Per-lin
Description: Looks like a normal perlin, only slams its fists to the ground, causing shockwaves.
Strategy: Use tek arrows for this beast too. Jump its shockwaves, as they can knock you about.
Fire Ball Per-lin
Description: A Per-lin with a mechanical Fireball blaster on its right arm. Strafe to avoid the fireballs, and use tek arrows at a distance. ----
Description: A Small Black Bug.
Levels: 1-7
Best Weapon: Knife.
Strategy: None really. Just slash with your knife. Difficult to hit with guns. You'll find your knife has an actual range to it, and that you'll be able to take down two or three bugs at a time. Just keep slashing and they shouldn't be able to get close to you - if they do, slash right where they are or you'll miss. (Nothing is more annoying than a little bug taking away 4 health over and over, and you just cant FIND them.. except maybe leapers.) ----
Description: Lizardish, frogish, reptilian things. Jump diagonally and slash with long arms. Extremely annoying, usually found in caves.
Levels: All
Best Weapon: Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Pistol
Strategy. Shoot before they get to you. They can get behind you, and since they are small, they can be hard to see. One shell witll crush them, and a quick assault rifle burst works well too. Pistols aren't all that bad either, as one good shot, most times, will drop a leaper cold. You have to aim very well though - a bad shot may result in nothing more than an angry leaper. The assault rifle is the best choice for ammunition reasons (especially if you've got a backpack and 200 shots with nothing to do..)
Variations: Hatchlings, Adult Males
Hatchlings: Miniature Leapers, treat like normal leapers.
Adult Males: Take 1-2 more hits to kill. Twice as large, darker. Other than that, use the same weapons. They're faster and more aggressive, too - so dispatch them quickly. Explosive shells usually aren't necessary, but one explosive shell coupled with a normal pistol shot will kill them. ----
Description: A low-to-the-ground lizard with a sail on its back, and powerful bite/legs/paws. Have a nasty habit of re-teleporting back in...
Levels: 4 (Standard), 6-7 (Variation)
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells, Grenade Launcher.
Strategy: A few explosive shells do the trick, and two grenades work well. Stay in front of it and fire. Back off so it doens't get to close [If using grenades, stay far away :) ]. These things tend to charge, too. Want to see something interesting? Lure a Raptor into a Dimetrodon, and let them fight it out. You'll see how much stronger the Dimetrodons are.
Variations: Machine Gun Dimetrodons (Bionically enhanced, again)
Description: Same as dimetrodon, but with dual-machine guns on their back. If you hear a machine gun, yet see no soldiers around, its probably one of these.
Best Weapons: Explosive Shells.
Strategy: Circle the beast, or it'll fire on you, get too close and it'll hit with its paws as well. Has about the same strength as the normal variety. Try not to stay in front of it for any reason, as that's the direction that it's machine guns are facing. ----
Giant Dragonfly
Description: A big dragonfly <g>
Levels: 4, 7
Best Weapon: Knife, Fusion Cannon
Strategy: Face the bug, or it'll fly to hit you in the back. Aim high in the air with your knife. Annoying as heck. You make have to jump forward to hit it. While we don't recommend using the Fusion Cannon, if you've got infinite ammo on, sometimes you just CAN'T TAKE THE FREAKS ANY LONGER! The cannon just turns out to be the weapon of choice for the battle-weary Dragonfly slayer. :) ----
Alien Infantry
Description: Insect-Like humanoids with for arms. They have jet packs on their backs, and carry two alien weapons. Their weapons don't have that nice burst effect at the end, however (thank god).
Levels: 6-8
Best Weapons: Explosive Shells, Pulse Rifle
Strategy: Use explosive shells if you have them. They go down in one hit. The pulse rifle works well too. Strafe to avoid their fire, although they will usually hit you anyway. In open areas, they will use their jet pakcs to launch into the air (what else?), and attempt to get behind you. Try to anticipate where they will land. They also have a nasty habit of respawning once or twice. ----
Descriptions: Grayish-Green humanoids with red eyes. They carry knives or polearms and can shoot red beams of light at high speeds.
Levels: 7
Best Weapons: Explosive Shells, Knife
Strategy: When they shoot their red beams, JUMP! If you time it right, you can jump over them. Use the knife one the ones that aren't shooting flames, as you may get a mortal wound. Strafing also helps for the red beams. The red beams take a second to fire; you'll see the demons bend down slightly as they charge up the blast, then release it. Once they start to charge up the shot, they can no longer direct where it will go. So, move. Quickly. Oh, as a result of this lovely trait, Demons happen to be one of the best monsters to start inter-monster wars with.
Powerups: +2h, Clip ----
Description: Sandworms with arms. Tunnel in the ground and burst up to meet you. They also spit acidic venom.
Levels: 7
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells, Grenade Launcher
Strategy. Strafe to avoid the spit, and circle one at a distance. 5 explosive shells will work. Grenades do the trick as well, but you'd be better off to save them. ----
Killer Plants
Description: Big plants with rose-like mouths, Have two tentacle-like limbs with buds at the end that shoot poisoned barbs Sorta like the plant from 'Little Shop of Horrors'.
Levels: 7
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells
Strategy: Use explosive shells while strafing back and forth to avoid the poisonous barbs. 'Sleeping' plants appear not to be able to harmed. Beware, for moving to close will allow the plant to bite you. 3 explosive shells will do the trick. Most of the time the plants you encounter will be active, and you'll first realize their there either from the sound of your limbs being eaten, or from the blowgun-like sound (which we hate) that alerts you, a little late, to the fact that the plant has just ripped you with a set of poisonous barbs. ----
Cyborg Warrior
Description: Robots weilding knives or glowing staves. Similar to poachers, soldiers, and demons, only a bit stronger.
Levels: 8
Best Weapon: Pulse Cannon
Strategy: Same as the poachers, soldiers and demons, only without using the knife. One or two bursts of the pulse rifle will work. Explosive shells work, but should be saved for tougher enemies, as these are mere cannon fodder, and tend to telelport in repeatedly.
Powerups: +2h ----
Cyborg Sergeant
Description: Look like slightly better armored cybored. They also tote pulse rifles. Normal arrows don't phase them, and the weaker weapons don't seem to work well at all.
Levels: 8
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells, Pulse Rifle
Strategy: Fire quickly and don't let them get a chance to react. Explosive shells take them out quickly, and a steady consentration of pulse rifle bursts will send them away (and their energy cells help you easily reload). Be sure to use the strafe-and-fire technique you employed on the normal sergeants, as these are just like them - only tougher.
Powerups: +2h, Clip, Large Energy Cell ----
Attack Bot
Description: Big red and yellow bots with axe blades on their left arms, and big nasty looking cannons on their right. Small heads, and don't seem that bright as i've seen them walk against a wall trying to find me.
Levels: 7, 8
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells, Grenade Launcher
Strategy: 3 or 4 Explosive Shells seem to work on both varieties, 2 grenades work on the red ones, and 3 or so work on the yellow. They swing a mean axe up close, should you feel possessed to shake their hands. This axe blade also doubles as a shield to attacks; firing at that side of their bodies doesn't always result in the most productive of times. Their cannons fire much like your minigun, but they are poor shots. The yellow ones fire spiralling rockets as well, which can quickly wear you down, making them far more dangerous. The rockets, as with the red beams of the Demons, are locked into their course as soon as they are tracked (you'll hear the yellow bot make a wierd sound), and can be avoided with practice. Strafe back and forth to avoid their shots and you should do fine. This monster gets the "Death Sequence" Award, as it's got an interesting part to it. When you kill it, it doesn't go away. Try killing it with explosive shells - it'll spark and flash, then stand there. Hit the now inoperable body with an explosive weapon, such as rockets or grenades, and the whole beast can be ripped into its component parts. A great way to take frustration out on a helpless enemy. ----
Sludge Beast
Description: Big sewage crabs.
Levels: 8
Best Weapon: Explosive Shells, Pulse Rifle, Grenade Launcher
Strategy: Stay away from them and fire your weapon of choice, nothing fancy. Due to close quarters, grenades might not be a good choice. These things will spot you at a distance, duck under the sludge, and reappear right in front of you - so, when they pull this stunt, don't be surprised. ----
Description: You should know what a triceratops looks like. This variety is like an armored tank. Eqqipped with Dual Rocket Launchers and a rider with a nasty machine gun.
Levels: 7, 8
Best Weapon: Grenade Launcer, Quad Rocket Launcher, Explosive Shells, Alien Weapon.
Strategy. Strafe away from the best while turned towards it. That way you should be able to keep to the side a bit. Launch grenades when you are not too close to it, and avoid getting in front of the beast, the spiralling rockets hurt. Use rockets if you run out of grenades, and use the explosive shells or alien weapons if you are too close to it and cannot back away. The Triceratops can charge at a pretty good speed, and corners pretty well. It's one of the hardest things to kill.
Powerups: +25h, Minigun Ammo, 4 Rockets