Turok: Boss - The Armored Cars
Description: Two big armored Jeeps that fire missiles at you. They'll also attempt to run you over, throwing you around if they succeed.
Level: Three
How to Defeat: Stay behind the cars to avoid the missiles, and fire whatever weapons you have. If the jeeps are flashing, you are damaging them. Keep it up! The jeeps also have a bad turning radius. If you can get behind and slightly to one side of them, just fire away - turn using the joystick only and you'll be okay. The jeeps really aren't that difficult - but watch your ammo.
Preferred Weapon: The Auto Shotgun with explosive shells is my favorite, partially due to the massive explosive power of the shells, partially due to all the extra ammo around the outside of the arena. Do take precautions though, as the Mercenary is also on the outside of the arena. ----
Turok: Boss - The Mercenary
Description: A commando with a Pulse Rifle.
Level: Three
How to Defeat: Stay around the outside of the room and fire at will. Try not to let him get to close to you. His kicks are deadly! This guy can be really tough to beat. There aren't any tricks to it, so it may take a few tries. Try running backwards and to one side, holding the down arrows and one of the side arrows. This will keep you away from him, and let you shoot him the entire time. Remember where to find ammo when you need it - and need it, you will. Preferred Weapon: Again, I like the Auto Shotgun, though when you're low on ammo, pretty much anything will do. The Assault Rifle is a good choice due to its three shots at once firing rate. The bow, while explosive, is very hard to hit him with. Don't even try the knife; it simply will not cause enough damage. ----
Turok: Boss - The Mantis
Description: A huge praying mantis. He spits venom at you.
Level: Five
How to Defeat: When you first enter the battle, quickly shoot the big, bad bug with your strongest weapon. After a few hits, it will knock down the walls. Keeping the bug in front of you, run around the outside of the room and continue firing. The insect will flash different colors at certain times, which means he will start using a different attack. Just keep it in front of you an keep shooting until it's a big, dead bug.
Preferred Weapon: The Auto Shotgun with explosive shells (do you notice a bias here?) works well. Compared to the Mercenary, this boss isn't very hard. Just keep running backwards and fire off your weapon of choice, holding one directional arrow to spin around the room. ----
Turok: Boss - The T-Rex
Description: A huge Tyrannosaurus Rex who fires lasers and breathes fire at you. He makes Jurassic Park look relaxing.
Level: Eight
How to Defeat:
The T-rex doesn't like grenades much. I found that with a fully supply of grenades (20 w/o a backpack, and 40 with), one can cause substantial damage. After using up the Fusion Cannon, bomb the T-rex with your grenades, while you continuously back away from him. After a bit, it will stand still and complains a bit, and it looks like some of its mechanical parts blow off. Keep grenading the T-rex - 20 grenades can take out 1/3 of its life.
Things to watch out for, though - If the T-rex breathes fire, strafe and turn. Also, when he recovers from complaining, he's liable to charge forward with an extra burst of speed. Other than that, the method works almost flawlessly.
MindFrame's Addition: The T-rex is big, mean, and very very nasty. Its breath can arc around in a circle, following you as you strafe; so do so quickly. My favorite method is to run backwards while holding one of the side gold buttons in order to run in a forever-circular pattern. This lets me escape his flaming breath, the pesky eye-laser, and most of his charges. Sometimes the laser will hit but the damage is rather minimal.
I don't really advise using the tunnel-like passages unless absolutely necessary for survival. Yes, there are items back there, but there are a few points to remember - One, the T-rex CAN still hit you back there (with tail slaps to the ground, as well as the occasional fire lapping around a corner). Two, the longer you stay, the harder it gets to get out - the T-rex is a very smart beast and will wait immediately outside the exits for you. Not a pretty picture. Three - if you aren't specifically watching when the Fusion Cannon goes off, you -WILL NOT- hit the T-rex with it.
I advise just staying in the open, running in a circle, and unloading first with your 2 (or 4, if you were lucky and explored around the water pit in level 8 enough) fusion charges, then your grenades and explosive shells.
Preferred Weapon: Any and all. If you haven't wasted the Fusion Cannon yet, do so now; you can rip chunks of the T-rex's life off with them. And, when you use it, be sure you're not in the little tunnel/hole/passages - it won't hit unless you are there to watch. The T-rex gets shaken up when you use it. Try to find the backpack, and keep it, before you get here.. and I hope you've got 4 fusion cannon shells. This guy's a real beast. Die once, up close to the T-rex, to watch a great cut-scene of him eating you. " *Buuuuurp*! " -- T-rex. ----
Turok: Boss - The Campaigner
Description: The main guy! The head honcho! The one you've been waiting for! In case you missed it, he has a skeleton face, some armor and a scepter.
Level: Eight
How to Defeat:
1. Hit him with the Chronoscepter while he's standing still, he'll take much more damage. If he jumps or warps during the firing, you will miss him completely. 2. Once your Chronoscepter attacks are used up, use rapid-fire weapons. The Assault Rifle and Minigun work well. 3. While firing, constantly back away from him. He won't move fast enough (even warping) to hit you with his spiky staff weapon, and you'll pick up extra ammo as you move backwards and around. ALWAYS LOOK TOWARDS HIM :) He'll pretty much only get to hit you when he's using his fire attack, the 'blue light' attack, or when you have to turn to face him and continue moving backwards. The 'blue light' attack can be strafed around with proper timing, though. 4. About every 1/8th of his life bar drains, It'll look like small explosions come from him, he'll be a sitting duck... Launch your quad rockets at him, or use grenades... Once he recovers, switch back to minigun or assault rifle. 5. He also hates Explosive shells, and Tek Arrows take a good chunk of his life if you can hit them with it.
MindFrame's Addition: Another trick to take note of is that when he leaps into the air, he'll fire his blue stuff. Then he'll land by warping in front of you and doing a swing or two with his giant spiked mace. At this point, he's standing relatively still and is wide open for a massive counter-offensive. Refills on ammo are located in the backs of the arena-like level you'll fight in. Oh, and die once or twice to check out the cut scene animation; it's really interesting.
Preferred Weapon: Auto Shotgun. I swear, that's the best weapon in the game. Fast reload times, high damage and decent accuracy. AND the explosion can't hurt you.