Silver Health +2 health. This pick up is special in that it can raise Turoks health above its maximum level of 100 points. These +2 health bonuses can accumulate above the 100-point mark, thus giving Turok 112,114,116 health points, etc. However, silver health does not permanently affect Turoks maximum hit point value of 100 points. If Turok has 112 points and takes 20 points of damage, he will be reduced to 92 points. Should the player find another pick-up that cannot raise Turoks health above 100%, it may only heal Turok to 100 points. |
Blue Health 10 health. This pick-up increases Turoks health by 10 points, but cannot raise Turoks health above the maximum 100 points. |
Orange Health Full health. This pick-up completely restores Turok to 100% health. This pick-up cannot raise Turoks health above the maximum of 100 points. |
Ultra Health Ultra health. This adds 100 hit points to Turoks health, and can raise Turoks health above 100 points. Thus if Turok is at 65% health and picks up the Gold health, he would be at 165% health. This is temporary, however. As soon as Turok takes enough damage to drop below 100 points, he may only be healed to 100% (unless the player finds another gold health). |
Gold Life Force 1 life point. Each Gold Life Force token adds one point to Turoks Life Force total. When you collect 100 life Force Points, Turok will be granted one extra life (reincarnation). |
Red Life Force Adds 10 life force points to Turoks total. |