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        One dark, stormy night, Amblix and his friends, DarKDemoN and Apokalips, were sleeping over at his house. Apokalips says "Let's do something fun!!". "Yeah, good idea!," said DarKDemoN. All of a sudden, all of the lights went out. "AHHHHHH!!!!," screamed DarKDemoN. Next, there was a loud crash on the other side of the house. "Oh gaymeter is detecting a Loian in the house We gotta get to our weapons!", said Amblix. An echo sounded from the other side of the house, "Too late you straights, I've got you right where I want you!". Sure enough, it was the leader of the Loians himself, Dan Lee. "You'll never get away with this Dan Lee!", shouted Amblix. With a burst of energy, Apokalips charged at Dan Lee, armed with only ith his trusty adamantite sword. But Dan Lee had a weapon of his own, he took out a syringe and injected himself with super steroids. Then he picked up Apokalips and swallowed him, as his body grew twice it's normal size. "Noooo!", shouted DarKDemoN. With sudden blast of energy, DarKDemoN grabbed Dan Lee's skull and thrust it through all of the windows in Amblix's house, and when he ran out of windows, he bashed Dan Lee's head into the porcelain toilets. "Wait!", shouted Amblix,"We can mak use of him! Our lights have been out for hours. We can use him to fix the problem." DarKDemoN hesistantly agreed, for the moment, and handed the evil warlord over to Amblix. Amblix took the limp, but still conscious body of Dan outside where DarKDemoN tied him to a wooden pole sticking out of the ground. Amblix pointed at Mr. Lee's head and said, "His hair has enough combustible fuel to power a nation for years...We're gonna use it to replace the lights that went out in the storm, but first..." Amblix put on some latex gloves and reached into Dan Lee's mouth, pulling out Apokalips, with his trusty adamantite sword. Then DarKDemoN took out a match, lit it, and threw it into the worthless scum's hair. The fire sizzled for a second then....."OH SH*T!!!", yelled DarKDemoN. Amblix grabbed Apokalips and they all ran for cover. The ignited fuel that Dan Lee applied to his hair every day exploded into fireworks with a big BANG!!! When Amblix, Apokalips, and DarKDemoN looked back, Dan Lee was riding up into the sky bald, using his portable biological gas rockets. They all stared into the sky and Amblix said, "Until next time....".

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