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    It was a bright, sunny day at the manor. Most of the snow had receded after the last month. In the courtyard, Amblix was testing one of his new portal spells when something went wrong. A large, swirling vortex materialized before him and seemed to beckon him to enter. Amblix was slightly surprised but then was overcome by curiosity. The questions pertaining to where this mysterious portal led to practically forced him to enter. As he went in, different color swirled pasted him for the next few seconds and then he was in a completely different surroundings. As he looked around, he noticed he was in  dark cave. As he headed out the entrance to the east, he eventually reached a road where there was a small signed posted by a road. The people around him welcomed him to what they called the Land of Karchan. Amblix explored the vast lands around him and met many different travelers just like him. Having exhausted his mana with his first portal, he had to wait several days until he could open another one back to his Realm. During those days he went on many adventures with different people. After those days were over, and he returned to his Realm, he had the most powerful sorcerers to make a permanent portal that could be opened only by a certain magical incantation in a specific location.

    In the following months, he made frequent visits back to Karchan. Estlor, a extremely powerful magic worker, initiated Amblix into the MIF, Magii of the Inner Flame,after a lengthy and impressive spell duel. Amblix chose to excel in the magic field of ice, therefore gaining the title Mage of Ice. Days later, he was enlisted into the Rangers of Karchan by Link, after a fierce arena battle. Soon after, Amblix defeated Misty in the arena and won the title of greencloak in the Crimson Blades, a warrior clan. Amblix eventually started a successfully large army called the Eternal Forces. They defended the Land of Karchan and tried defeat the Terminators. His faithful second in command, Jaxom, led the army on many different campaigns and vigorously enlisted new recruits. Soon enough, they had defeated their first enemy clans, the Golden Paladins. That was their first and last success. The Terminators had been up to no good and forced the mighty god, Furchin, to seal off many groups of portals leading to the Land of Karchan for months, to prevent the Terminators from arriving. Unfortunately, Amblix's portal was in one of those groups, and he was forced to disband his army. He waited patiently for several months when again, the portals were allowed to open. He was notified my the mighty goddess, Mielikki, and whole heartedly thanked her for the good news. On his return, he again competed in spell duels and found that the Rangers had been disbanded for a time and was only starting to revive. Amblix eagerly rejoined the Rangers, under their new leader, Orianna. She was able to offer him the position of Second in Command or one in the Council of Nine. Days passed while Amblix reacquainted himself with the all the new people who were on. Everything seemed to go fine until the Terminators found their way back and began their evil rituals again. Furchin, thus, was forced to reseal the many groups of portals along with Amblix's.

    And, to this day, Amblix still waits patiently for the portals to the lost land to reopen...


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Rangers of Karchan

Magii of the Inner Flame

Crimson Blades

Brotherhood of Zerstörer